I have officially completed a chapter in my life!
High school was amazing because I tried everything possible and made many friends along the way.
Yes, it was hard to say goodbye to my two best friends, (I refer to us as the Three Musketeers, because we complete each other!) but we are all where we are supposed to be.
Yes, it was even more difficult to say goodbye to my partner in crime and the other half of my creative genius, also known as Mom.
With that being said, a new era has begun and it begins with college!
After several hugs and kisses, I said farewell to my beloved home town and drove off in my little red car, with high hopes for the future!
Because my life is changing, I though that it would be fun to change the title of my blog to "Jo.Sew.Cute! Goes To College," what a great way to start!
So if you are interested in the adventures of a college student going to the "Big City" then check back for new posts throughout the year!